Don’t create anxiety

I hate when people create anxiety for absolutely no reason.

Example: “hey, I have something to talk to you about later”

Stop doing this. Tell me right now or don’t bring it up till later.

Another example: I ask someone a question and they start to answer it and then say, “never mind”


Stop these behaviors. It drives us all crazy and causes anxiety for no reason.


Love you.

Blaire 💙❄️


My stuffed animals

If you know me at all you know I sleep with a couple stuffed animals. Why? Obvi, I have daddy issues. Obvi.

I have 3 stuffed animals in total. Yes, they have names. Yes, they have feelings. (half kidding)

I fully planned to post their picture up here but then I remembered that y’all would sit there and judge me so I decided against it. Hell, I’d judge me too.

People truly thought I’d ditch my stuffed animals when i got married. Jokes on them. My stuffed animals are kids to me and people don’t just throw away their kids. It’s just not right.

Anyway. That’s that. I’m 28 years old with stuffed animals. Happy Monday.


Blaire 💋


Mega Family Drama, again

Per usual, I’m in family drama up to my ears. My brother got mad at my mom for no reason and decided killing her would be the best solution to his anger. I guess if she’s gone for good, he wouldn’t need to worry about her bothering him anymore.

Luckily for all of us, he was unsuccessful. Likely because he did too many drugs to be able to effectively kill anyone.

Here’s my take on the situation– my brother is crazy and the justice system sucks.

My brother should have been in jail years and years ago. Oh, and guess what? He’s still not in jail. Apparently he will be soon but there’s a process to follow prior to that happening. What bullshit.

My life should be a reality tv show.

Blaire 🐛


Sneezing problem

I have this sneezing problem. Basically, I sneeze about 20 times in a row. It’s exhausting, it’s powerful, it’s all encompassing, and I kinda like it.

It’s weird, no doubt. People in public often ask me if I’m okay or if I need help. My friends run away the second I start sneezing because it’s very annoying. It’s often quite embarrassing.

But, ya know what, I just don’t hate it.

Love me or don’t,

Blaire ❤️


How to pick a show to fall asleep watching

I hate to sound like an expert, but I truly am an expert at picking the perfect Netflix shows to watch before bed. Call if expertise, call it experience, call it what you want, I am a master.

First and foremost, you must pick a show that is going to end happy. Can’t risk unsettling thoughts before bed, ya just can’t.

Next, I recommend googling the show and reading summaries for every episode. No surprises makes watching Netflix very mundane. A mundane, relaxing show will pull you right into sleep land.

Never pick a show with violence and never, ever pick a suspenseful show. Ain’t no one trying to have anxiety before bed. No one.

Lastly, the cheesier the better. It’s best to watch shows with super predictable plots. And while I’m throwing out great tips, a wholesome story line is gold. You can’t have your mind wondering on ya while you’re trying to catch some z’s.

You guys probably think I’m joking, but I challenge you to try it. I can basically guarantee this sleeping method.

Netflixing now,

Blaire 💤


The dreadful dentist

Does anyone else out there dread the dentist? I do this really fun thing where I make an appointment and then cancel it because I simply do not want to go. I know I should go to the dentist and that’s why I make the appointments in the first place, but I just know that I might die if I actually follow through with the appointment… so i cancel it.

Very Blaire of me, I know.

Today, I tricked myself into going to the dentist. When I arrived I sat in the waiting room and wondered why the hell I didn’t cancel the appointment. I considered pretending to have diarrhea and making it known by running out clenching my butt cheeks together, but I figured that would make me look crazier than usual so I decided that I would just go through with the appointment.

Now don’t tell anyone, but it wasn’t too horrible and I did survive. (So far anyway)

I’m definitely canceling next time to be on the safe side.


Blaire 🦷 ♥️


Work Retreat

I’m going on a work retreat for 3 nights and I’m sure it’s going to be a picture perfect event. HOWEVER, I DO NOT WANT TO GO.

Call it anxiety, call is craziness, call it whatever you want to call it, I do not like spending the night places. I take that back, I HATE spending the night places. It freaks me out. I’m always wondering if something is going to happen to me. Or, I spend my time worrying that something will happen to someone I love while I’m away. It all around sucks for me to go places overnight.

My exception to this rule is simple– send a trusting male with me and I’ll be okay. I trust exactly 2 males to keep me safe. If they can come, I’m down. Unfortunately, neither work for my company. Ugh. (Daddy issues, I know)

Will I survive this work retreat? Stay tuned.

Blaire ❤️


Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is the best show I’ve ever watched. It’s ridiculous, unlikely and perfect all at the same time.

But do I want another season? I’ve seen the chatter online about the potential of more seasons and I’m just not emotionally ready for all that. What would it even be about? Will they still play their manipulative games as working, filthy rich adults with kids? Not to mention, the plot will be completely different because we know who Gossip Girl is.

Honestly, why add to something already so perfect? That’s it. I’ve decided. Leave Gossip Girl alone.

Going to binge watch perfection,


Blaire ❤️
